Jurong Minlian Activated Carbon Co., Ltd.

Add:48 Dongwang Gang Tianwang Town,Jurong City,Jiangsu,China
Mobile:+86-13921552079         Tel:+86-511-87421859
Fax:+86-511-87422918                  E-mail:396467699@qq.com

Jurong Minlian Activated Carbon Co., Ltd. is situated in Tianwang Town, Jurong City, Jiangsu, China. It engages in researching, developing and manufacturing activated carbons. The annual production capacity of activated carbon is 10,000 tons. Taking primary charcoal, bamboo charcoal and coconut shell as raw materials, the company mainly engages in producing eight categories and more than 60 varieties of products including powdery and granular activated carbons for food, monosidum glutamate, injection, sewage treatment, air purification...

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